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Volkswagen 9WZ Bluetooth Programming 3C8 035 730 A (3C8035730A)

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Volkswagen 9WZ Bluetooth Programming
Part number: 3C8 035 730 A (3C8035730A)

Byte 0 Language:
01 German
02 English
03 French
04 Italians
05 Spanish
06 Portuguese
08 Czech
07-09-FF not allowed

Byte 1. Voice Command:
00 activated
01 disabled

Byte 2.Type Microphone:
Parameter 00 1 / microphone VW
01 parameters 2 / microphone VW
10 parameters 1 / microphone Audi
02-03, 11-13 parameter set 3-4 / VW and Audi

Byte 3. Diagnosis antenna:
00 active
01 inactive

Byte 4. Diagnosis fixing Laptop (Überwachung Baseplate):
00 active
01 inactive

Byte 5. Mute (cooperating):
00 active
01 inactive

Byte 6. Control unit for the mobile phone preparation (module three keys):
00 Module 3-button activates / SMS possible
01 Module 3-button inactive / SMS possible
10 3-button activates / SMS is not possible
11-button inactive / SMS is not possible

Byte 7. Multimedia function:
00 BT Audio Active / Active Multimedia Context
01 BT inactive Audio / Multimedia Assets Background
10 BT Audio disabled Active / Inactive Multimedia Context
11 BT inactive Audio / Multimedia Background Off

Byte 8. Type of registration of mobile phone:
00 Supporting THB
01 Support VDA
10 Support Paragon

Byte 9. Function call for help:
00 people with disabilities
01 activated

Byte 10. Fuel Type:
00 Unknown
01 Gasoline
04 Diesel
05 LPG
06 natural gas
08 Electricity
10 hydrogen

Byte 11. Vehicle type:
00 M1
01-05 M2 and N1-3-3


Source now

Volkswagen / Skoda Bluetooth Programming
There are a number of steps to programming your bluetooth after installation, you will need access to VAGCOM/VCDS to perform these steps although your local dealer may be able to do these by using his VAS5052 dealer tool but it will be more difficult then using VAGCOM/VCDS.

Step 1 – Program the CAN Gateway to allow the controller to use the gateway.
CAN Gateway – Controller 19

This controller uses Long Coding, recoding should be carried out using the Long Coding Helper built into VAG-COM. Select Byte 3 and put a tick in Bit 7 to enable Controller 77 Telephone. Write the Long Code back to the car.

Step 2 – Setup the telephone controller to function as per the settings chosen.
Telephone – Controller 77

The controller soft coding should be set to 0000422

0?xxxx: Motor Vechicle Type

1 – D3/C6 High System
2 – C6 Standard System

0x?xxx: Steering Wheel Type

0 – non multifunction steering wheel
1 – standard steering wheel
2 – modular steering wheel

0xx?xx: Installed Components

1 – none
2 – Multi Function Steering Wheel
3 – Head Unit
4 – Multi Function Steering Wheel and Head Unit
5 – K-line
6 – Multi Function Steering Wheel and K-line
7 – Head Unit and K-line
8 – Multi Function Steering Wheel, Head Unit and K-line

0xxx?x: Language Spoken by Unit

0 – Language operation out
1 – German
2 – English (UK)
3 – French
4 – Italian
5 – Spanish
6 – Not Used
7 – English (US)
8 – Language operation of external equipment (RNS 510 etc)
9 – Speaker dependent language choice

0xxxx?: Language for MFD (Multi Function Display)

0 – no announcement in the MFD
1 – German
2 – English (UK)
3 – French
4 – Italian
5 – Spanish
6 – Not used
7 – English (US)

Now move onto channel adaption, the following channels should be adapted with the default values listed, information on these values is available further down the page.

channel 128 (base volume) – 0
channel 129 (disconnection delay)- 6
channel 130 (offset delay) – 2
channel 131 (mircrophone sensitivity) – 130
channel 132 (unknown) – 0
channel 133 (bluetooth on/off) – 1
channel 134 (speech on/off) – 0
channel 135 (bluetooth passkey)- 1234
channel 136 (offset delay) – 9
channel 137 (unknown) – 1
channel 139 (unknown) – 0

Channel 128 – Base volume (Base volume of the output)

000 – 0dB (no increase/decrease)
001 – +1dB increase
002 – +2dB increase
003 – +3dB increase
004 – +4dB increase
005 – +5dB increase
006 – +6dB increase
128 – -1dB decrease
129 – -2dB decrease
130 – -3dB decrease
131 – -4dB decrease
132 – -5dB decrease
133 – -6dB decrease

Channel 129 – Disconnection Delay (Disconnection delay after turning ignition off)

000 – 30 seconds
001 – 5 minutes
002 – 10 minutes
240 – 20 hours

Channel 130 – Offset Delay (Offset compenstion delay to avoid echoes)

0 – 0ms
1 – 1ms
2 – 2ms
11 – 11ms
12 – 12ms

Channel 131 – Microphone Sensitivity (Lower/Raise the Microphones Sensitivity)

000 – 0dB (no increase/decrease)
001 – +1dB increase
002 – +2dB increase
003 – +3dB increase
004 – +4dB increase
005 – +5dB increase
006 – +6dB increase
128 – -1dB decrease
129 – -2dB decrease
130 – -3dB decrease
131 – -4dB decrease
132 – -5dB decrease
133 – -6dB decrease

Channel 132 – unknown

0 – default

Channel 133 – Bluetooth (Bluetooth activate/deactivate)

0 – Disable
1 – Enable

Channel 134 – Speech Function (Speech control On-Off)

0 – On with fixed mobile phone and bluetooth
1 – Off with fixed mobile phone and not bluetooth

Channel 135 – Bluetooth Passkey (4 Digital Passkey to allow access to the bluetooth)

1234 – Default passkey

Channel 136 – Offset Delay (Offset compensation delay between transmit and receive)

001 – 0.1 seconds
002 – 0.2 seconds
003 – 0.3 seconds
004 – 0.4 seconds
024 – 2.4 seconds
025 – 2.5 seconds

Channel 137 – unknown

1 – default

Channel 139 – unknown

0 – default

Step 3 – Multi Function Steering Wheel – Voice activation (optional)
If you car is fitted with the Multi Function Steering Wheel you can modify the mute button (* on the VW models) to activate the voice dialing feature. The phone button under this button is not usable at this time as this is designed to operate with the fixed car kit unit.

Controller 16 – Steering

Select Coding 07 and you should see a 7 digit softcode which will be in the format 00xxxxx

The 4th digit from the right corresponds to the steering wheel variant. If you have a 4 spoke Multi Function Steering Wheel without the Cruise Control buttons it should be a 2. Change this to a 3 and that should convert your Mute button to activate the Voice Dialling.

Software version 0101 or lower

0?xxxxx: Vehicle Type

0 = Normal
1 = Special Purpose (e.g Taxi)

0x?xxxx: Transmission

0 = Manual Transmission
1 = Automatic Transmission
0xx?xxx: Steering Wheel

0 = Steering Wheel without Multifunction
1 = 3-Spoke Steering Wheel without Multifunction
2 = 3/4-Spoke Steering Wheel with Multifunction without Cruise & Voice Control
3 = 3/4-Spoke Steering Wheel with Multifunction with Cruise & Voice Control
0xxx?xx: Additional Equipment

+1 = Tiptronic (Shift Paddels)
0xxxx?x: Board Computer / Cruise Control System (CCS)

0 = w/o Board Computer and w/o Cruise Control System (CCS)
1 = with Board Computer and w/o Cruise Control System (CCS)
2 = w/o Board Computer and with Cruise Control System (CCS)
4 = with Board Computer and with Cruise Control System (CCS)
0xxxxx?: Rear Wiper

1 = Rear Wiper not installed
2 = Rear Wiper installed
Software version 0110 or higher

0?xxxxx: Driver-Assistance-Systems

0 = Driver-Assistance-Systems not installed
0 = Message for Driver-Assistance-Systems active w/o Button
1 = Message for Driver-Assistance-Systems inactive w/o Button
2 = Message for Driver-Assistance-Systems active with Button
3 = Message for Driver-Assistance-Systems inactive with Button
0x?xxxx: Vehicle Type

0 = Normal
1 = Special Purpose with Multi-Function Control Module (Steer. Column. Contr. Mod. as Master)
2 = Special Purpose with Multi-Function Control Module (Multi-Function Contr. Mod. as Master)
0xx?xxx: Transmission

0 = Manual Transmission
1 = Automatic Transmission
0xxx?xx: Multi-Function Steering Wheel

0 = Multi-Function Steering Wheel not installed
5 = Multi-Function Steering Wheel w/o Tiptronic and w/o Push-To-Talk (PTT) installed
6 = Multi-Function Steering Wheel with Tiptronic and no Push-To-Talk (PTT) installed
7 = Multi-Function Steering Wheel w/o Tiptronic and with Push-To-Talk (PTT) installed
8 = Multi-Function Steering Wheel with Tiptronic and with Push-To-Talk (PTT) installed
0xxxx?x: Cruise Control System (CCS) and Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)

0 = Cruise Control System (CCS) not installed
1 = Cruise Control System (CCS) with 6 Positions via separate Stalk installed
2 = Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with 6 Positions via separate Stalk installed
3 = Cruise Control System (CCS) with 4 Positions via Blinker Stallk installed
4 = Cruise Control System (CCS) via Multi-Function Steering Wheel installed
5 = Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) via Multi-Function Steering Wheel installed
0xxxxx?: Rear Wiper and Board Computer

1 = Rear Wiper not installed / Board Computer via Wiper Stalk not installed
2 = Rear Wiper installed / Board Computer via Wiper Stalk not installed
3 = Rear Wiper not installed / Board Computer via Wiper Stalk verbaut
4 = Rear Wiper installed / Board Computer via Wiper Stalk installed



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