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Z80 CPU minimum system

Source: z80.info

The absolute minimum Z80 CPU test circuit ever seen:

This is how my tester looks like:
Red wire = +5V (VCC)
Green wire = GND
Wellow wire = Clock
Place a fast capacitor (tantal, 0.1 .. 4.7 uF) from VCC to GND! as close as possible to the CPU
The small button at the right is used to RESET the CPU

If you will see a nice PCB version that Floris made click here

Remember: NEVER leave inputs unconnected, they can/will confuse the CPU!
A good idea is to connect unused inputs via a resistor to VCC (about 470 .. 5k) to create a HIGH (inactive) signal level
All unconnected CPU pins are outputs, try to connect some LEDs here also, pins 18 and 23 are not interesting, ok

CLOCK : 35mS period time, equal to 28Hz

A0 : 140mS Low, 140mS High
A1 : 280mS Low, 280mS High
A2 : 560mS Low, 560mS High

My tester consumed about 60mA at 5.0Volt, with a Z8400A from Zilog.

You will see that the Z80 CPU need a few clocks to execute the RESET.
You can also test what happens at power-up, with or without clock applied.
Strange things will happen if you try to give it shorter RESET than clock, weird modes of opperating will then happen, eg: higher address pins will have faster clock frequency than A0 !!, the CPU is not damaged ! just give it a RESET longer than 4 clocks.
this is why you should always use a RESET circuit like this: it will give a controlled reset time and no noise when RESET pin is rised to start the CPU
if you wish to single step clock and reset, then use this circuit to generate a good clean clock signal

During the last half of the Instruction Opcode Fetch a Refresh address is placed on the lower 7 bits of the Address bus. This can make the upper 9 bits appear as if they are oscillating in respect to the clock since they are driven low during that portion of the cycle. If you only take the state of the address bus when /M1 is active, you will see the appropriate memory address is on the bus.
This seems to be different from type of CPU to CPU, mine did what I have measured on A0 to A2 and so far...

When you manage to get this to work, then please continue to the next-step
Done and tested by me at June the 12th, 1998.

Примечание: Странно что выводы А0-А2 подключены как минуса к светодиодам, у меня схема не заработала. Я развернул светодиоды и убрал резисторы. И все заработало. И добавил еще светодиод на линию А3 для пущей красоты. См. фото (Z84C0020PEC NMOS/CMOS Z80 CPU CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT DIP-40)

Z80 system:

The Z80 Cpu 8Kb RAM and 8Kb EPROM
The 'RFSH' is used to gate the memory decoder because there is no need to enable static memory during the refresh cycle (since it doesn't need refresh). This lowers the average power requirement.


The Timer CTC, And Serial Port.


The Serial RS-232 plugs and Line drivers.

Документация (pdf)

Z80 download

Z80 download

Z80 download

82c55 download

Z80 (rus) download

UPD82C55AC-2-A download (82C55 - расширение портов ввода-вывода 3х8 линий)

TC55257CPL-10 download (static RAM 32768 word x 8 bit)

AT28C256-15PI download (256K (32K x 8) Paged CMOS E2PROM)

Сопроцессор am9511A для Z80A

Схема сопряжения (кликабельна)


Сопроцессор am9511A - скачать

Декодер/мультиплексор 3->8 am25ls138 - скачать

Декодер/мультиплексор 2->4 am25ls139 - скачать

Схема АОН на Z80 (кликабельна)

Схема Yamaha MSX2 YIS805 YIS805R1 YIS805R2 YIS805R3 смотреть тут

Еще схемы


Источник: Dawill

Z80 Text Scroller

For some time now, I've had a bunch of Z80 processors on hand. To be exact, Z0840004PSC (they don't state "Z80 CPU" on them), which are the 4MHz NMOS version (dynamic logic, and big stinking current consumption). So I decided I'd learn Z80 assembly, get an assembler (Telemark Assembler by Squak Valley Software seems to work well enough) and put together an NVRAM reader/writer to write the machine code for the Z80. That done, all that remains is to breadboard the Z80 and support components. Fortunately, the Z80 is very easy to use (far easier than that goofy 8086!), having bus signals, non-multiplexed data and address bus all available for straightforward use. Here's the circuit:

Z80 shematic buffering bus


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